mercoledì 20 giugno 2012

A new italian orchestra, against Camorra and crime!

Dear friends,
      In this last days I’m preparing my last concert with my new orchestra: the “Orchestra della Compagnia degli Artisti di Ottocento Napoletano” in Portici (Naples, Italy). With our 26 musicians we are becoming one of the most important cultural realities of our region!
Our headquarters is located in the prestigious building of the Marchioness of Cesaro Pennese, now propriety of Archbishopric of Naples.

We hold our concert “intra moenia” in the chapel of the palace. We are going to perform our sixth concert and we are followed by an increasingly large and enthusiastic audience.
Our Orchestra is not one of those artistic conglomerates, destined to disappear miserably, that occasionally arise in Italy in correspondence  of the rare donations of public money intended for the music. We aren’t a musical group that has as its sole target the subsistence of its members. We are much more than that…

The Compagnia degli Artisti and his Orchestra are heralds of a great project called “Ottocento Napoletano”.
This project aims to create a real renaissance of Naples and Southern Italy, through the promotion of our culture, our history and our traditions. And by culture we mean  not only the field of fine arts, but also our artistic handicraft and our great culinary traditions.
“Beauty will save the world” said Dostoevskij. Us, through the beauty of arts, want to awaken the conscience.

We want to demonstrate that in our region it’s possible to build and live an alternative to social, moral and institutional degradation, which now has reached an endemic state in our land.
Pursuing this project, we have the opportunity to fight the Camorra and crime, that derives strength from ignorance of the people,  by stagnation of the status quo and from the image of our land as a place where people, especially younger, are precluded any hope of social and moral emancipation, because nothing will change.

Besides to the diffusion of culture, we are planning, always with our self financing, the future opening of a music school and other initiative s that will give the opportunity to children at risk of finding an opportunity in the art, removing them from the hands of criminals.

Follow our initiative on twitter, facebook and on our blog: 
See you soon and good music at all!!!

 Leopoldo Fontanarosa

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